About Us
- 50 Years experience in recruitment services
- Good presence across B2B and B2P
- Evolved from traditional agency to online solutions provider
- Leading provider of Talent Bank solutions in Education sector
- Approved supplier to LUPC and SUPC
Employability – Why it tops the agenda
- HEI’s have recognised the need to provide students with more than academic qualifications to attract intake
- Employers demand graduates with employable skills not just a degree
- Students expect more for their tuition fees
- Aim is to produce well educated graduates better equipped to land jobs and contribute to economy.
The Challenges & Opportunities
- Provide students with meaningful work experience
- Tap into student talent pool rather than costly external recruitment
- Link businesses and employers with student base
- Provide a meaningful and validated record of their student journey and employability skills
- Arm students with skills and experience to attract employers
What is a Talent Bank and how does it help?
- Connects an organisation with bespoke pool of talent
- Supports student employability
- Provides an online in-house recruitment service
- Provides rich MI/reporting
- Full audit trail of the student journey
- Provides the student with a validated Professional Employability Profile (PEP) to compliment their HEAR and CV
- Universities and their business partners post job vacancies, work experience, assignments etc
- Search the talent pool of available and suitable students
- Also search for external candidates at no extra cost
- Automatically update a student’s PEP profile with experience and achievements
- All compliance, onboarding and payroll managed if required
Example Talent Bank
Personal Employability Profile (PEP)
- Single online portal immediately links employers to students via the HEI’s own Talent Bank
- Also provides a low cost external recruitment tool which reduces spend and VAT
- Provides live audit trail & employability profile
- Adds value to the HEI’s proposition
- Fixed cost turnkey solution to multiple challenges
- Proven results for a number of HEI’s
Download a full copy of the presentation here: Keystone-PlaceNet-2015.pdf